This morning, in a mad rush and in our usual semi-organised style, we were flung back into another half term of school. I had been organised last week to iron all of their uniforms and hang them in their rooms, and last night I thought I was on a roll as I pre-made pack ups, packed clean PE kits into bags and signed off books read from the Easter holidays – we were ready. But somehow, like it always does, time totally ran away from us and we made it by the skin of our teeth.
These last 2 weeks have been so much fun. We haven’t done anything massively great to shout about, but we have had some lovely moments and little outings and I have loved the freedom of time with my little chicks and friends. We wrapped up the school break with a fantastic Easter weekend and as much as I love our family days out and adventures, I have equally enjoyed just hanging at home and in the garden together this weekend, finished up with a chilled forest stroll yesterday.
Our Easter Weekend
This weekend, whilst we had talked about lots of things we might do, we instead had a really casual weekend and it was great. By tradition, we normally make an easter garden for Poppy’s grave and take some spring blooms for her over the Easter weekend, but something this year stopped me from finding any ounce of motivation to be able to do that, and whilst I had some guilt attached to that fact, I did what I could cope with. On good friday, after a fairly chilled day at home, Megan and I went to the garden centre and local supermarket, and found some lovely things to decorate the grave with – we went with Nathan and Alice (Ethan was at Grandma’s) and added some gravel and some colourful red gerbera’s.
It is always painful to go to her grave, but visiting at Easter always seems to help us to gain some perspective and hope. I enjoyed (if that is even the right word) reflecting on how grim that Friday was when Christ died, and how grim having Poppy not here is too, but now, how the hope of Easter Sunday and His resurrection helps us to look forward to a day when we can hold her again. I know many people don’t believe this, and that’s okay for you, but for me, I know if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to survive the gnawing grief and sorrow of losing a child – it feels so real and softens the blow. I love Easter for enabling that, and for the hope and peace in sorrow!
On Saturday we used some time to clean the garage and tip a whole load of junk. It was a job that needed doing and one we are glad we did.
Whilst we were at home, we received and incredible package courtesy of Morrison’s food, containing everything we might need for Easter Sunday – it was super exciting and pretty epic!! As we were in the midst of a Christian celebration, it spurred us to think of how we might share what we had received with others and pay it forward to help them too feel love and joy at Easter (and also enjoy some of Morrison’s best bits!). And so we shared the chocolate sheep with some people at church (they were delighted!), ate the cheese cake with siblings (belgian triple chox – hello!) and then yesterday cooked the leg of Lamb and served it with couscous, pitta, yoghurt and salad with my side of the fam (it was so so good!).
We still have all the veg (greens, rainbow carrots, parsnips and dauphinoise potatoes) which we will make in our own roast this week, but It was also delicious and so nice to be able to share it with others.
Morrison’s best range is so nice and we loved that by having hot cross buns and lamb – symbolic foods of easter – made ours tastier. Thank you Morrison’s.. you make life easier and a whole lot tastier!
Sunday morning was glorious and we enjoyed a little egg hunt in the garden, followed by a trip to the village green where they had a cross. We talked about the Easter story with the kids and then headed to our usual church service. I sang in the choir (something I especially enjoy at easter) and the kids were treated to more eggs from their church teachers (so generous!). We went for lunch at Grandma Smith’s house and joined by some of their cousins and Nathan’s siblings, we chilled in the sunshine and the kids played until gone 6. We sat around a little fire in the cool evening air, chatting and laughing and feeling grateful for family, Easter and a lovely day!
I was grateful to have had a slow and productive few days together, because it meant that come bank holiday Monday (yesterday) we were ready for a little adventure. We met my family and all went up to Dalby forest where we strolled through the woods in the bright sunshine. Grandad equipped the kids with walking sticks, and wandered off the beaten track a few times with them too. They found frogs, snake skin, and had fun paddling in streams and scrambling up through the woods – it was fun and lovely. We headed home for our Lamb dinner, more easter eggs from grandma (thank you again) and family banter at my sisters house. It was the ideal end to Easter Weekend and a fab way to wrap up our easter holidays.
Easter has quickly become one of my favourite times of year. It brings me hope and joy and I just love the newness in nature at this time of year too. of course we love the endless supply of chocolate, time with family and the message of life and hope, but joining with family to celebrate what it means to us, and enjoy these little outings and springtime is such a wonderful thing that I truly treasure!
I hope you too had a lovely Easter weekend – I have 2 eggs to consume now and a house to restore to pre school holiday state!