Nathans Graduation Ball


I feel very fortunate that Nathan and I have had a few lovely evenings out together recently, and its been absolutely wonderful following the period of time we’ve had where we barely saw each other! I am wondering how much longer I can milk that as an excuse to have a night out! HA! Its so nice on these occasions to be “us”; to laugh together, have private jokes, flirt, chat without interruptions about everything, and to have him open my door, hold my hand more, steal more kisses and just have fun without little people asking for the “whys” and “what’s” behind everything we do and say! As much as we adore the kids I guess its nice to just not be “parents” for a night.

Our most recent of these (usually rare) occasions was on Thursday when it was his Graduation Ball for Uni. It was the third to last thing on the calender (the next being results day and last being graduation) before University is well and truly wrapped up and a thing of the past! Whilst it was a chance to be kid free for the evening, we were very aware of how life on these occasions is with children to care for. We were to leave by 5.45ish  and at 5.30 I was still scruffy in the kitchen finishing up dinner for the kiddos, tidying what I could and rushing to make sure things were in order to leave them content and their Aunt in want of nothing. A quick change and hair and make up en route we were both finally dolled up and ready to join his friends and lecturers at Berites in Elland for an evening of fine dining and dancing!

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Not only was it nice to have an evening out celebrating his amazingly hard work, but the food was delish and it was nice to meet people I had heard about for 4 years and chat to them too. We didn’t dance but enjoyed the music and banter, and by 10pm we were yawning and showing our age/parental status! We managed to stretch it out til 11.30pm but with the prospect of a 6.30am wake up call and school runs, we knew we were pushing our luck.
I am so incredibly proud of Nathan for getting to this point, I can’t say that enough. I adore being his wife and having little moments to be just us, dressing up and doing out of the ordinary things together.


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