Last Thursday our little unicorn loving, tree climbing, crazy Megan turned a big 6 years old! I find it incredible that each year, the night before their birthdays I can distinctly remember their arrivals into our lives and family. Aside from Poppy’s (for obvious reasons) it is a part of the birthday build up I thoroughly enjoy – reflecting and remembering those hours of labour, their birth and the moment we first met our little humans!
In recent years I have enjoyed reflecting on their pregnancies and birth, and then comparing that to how they are now and seeing the connections in their personality. It always fascinates me and brings a smile!
Megan is a prime example for doing this with, as my pregnancy and birth story match her personality impeccably well! She has always been very gunho with things and yet if you try and stop her she will become very stubborn and stuck! This was seen when she tried to come at 30 weeks gestation and after the Drs preventing her from doing so, she then ended up being a week overdue and being born the morning of the day I was scheduled for induction!
This stubborn and very independent side of her has been very noticeable in recent years and sometimes Nathan and I dare not even speak at risk of her going nuts at us.
And yet even with this streak, she still radiates such joy, humour and love in our home and lives!
Megan isn’t afraid to be herself which is something I really admire about her. She is in her own little world and is very happy there; wearing whatever she thinks is cool and trying to do pretty much what she wants to do. She knows what she wants in life and I think she will go far … especially if she can focus a little more at school! She has an incredible imagination and always has done, but she really doesn’t enjoy school that much and most days we argue to and fro as to why she needs to. Still after 100 debates at 8.35am, she will still come back with the fact that she just doesn’t see why she has to go “EVERY SINGLE DAY WHEN I JUST WANT TO BE A TRAPEZE ARTIST!”. Being such a creative person and day dreamer, I think comes down to the fact she finds sitting still and having to do what she sees as the “boring stuff” very tedious and trying. We are trying hard with her and working on improving her reading (which she will do), but she much prefers being active and drawing/making things, and this can be hard to help her see the reasons to why she can’t only do those things all of them time and why she needs to balance them.
It was no surprise then that this year for her Birthday she wanted a new bike and a build a bear – she hasn’t been off the bike since we got her it and she is busy saving up birthday money for the numerous accessories her unicorn build a bear will be wearing! She also got her fave DVD – Ferdinand (and the book) and a few new “cool accessories and Ts”!
This year was a party year and in true Megan style she celebrated with a unicorn theme. We invited her girl school friends last Saturday and held it at her favourite soft play just up the coast in Bridlington – “Monty Zoomers” – where they threw her a really lovely evening party and took excellent care of us all. I took her a unicorn cake (bought from Asda for only £11) and they did the rest! It was so great to show up and enjoy!
The kids played in the play centre, then had tea and ice cream, cake and candles and a guest appearance from Monty himself. It was such a lovely evening, and she had an amazing time. Aside from the craziness of driving her and her friends in “the party bus” there and back – it was very chilled and lots of fun!
But of course Megan is very much like me and had not just 1 lovely unicorn cake and a party, but rather she celebrated her birthday with 3 cakes! On Sunday we had a joint family tea party with her cousin who turned 6 2 days after her and took a LIDL chocolate celebration cake (hello £3.99 barg). And then Grandma had us over for a birthday tea on her actual birthday, where we enjoyed garden games, delicious homemade pizza in her new pizza oven and a fab melon cake!
As you can see, she doesn’t do things by halves!
Welcome to your 6th Year of life Megan – I wonder what lies ahead??
At 6 years old I want to remember that you developed your first real crush on a boy 2 years above her at school, and how you have no idea that his mum and I laugh about it all the time!
I want to remember the moments when you have so much confidence in your abilities – and conquered that giant tree on the village green as a result.
I want to remember how you and Alice hug and love each other daily, and how absolutely nuts you are together.
I want to remember your poses in mirrors, your beautiful laughter, long hair, determination and love of going to Rainbow’s and Gymnastics. I want to remember your new ambition to be a trapeze artist since seeing The Greatest Showman!
I want to remember how you line all of your many teddies up on your bed and how you take great pride in telling people your favourite animal is Bull – because most people “think they’re so scary”!?
I want to remember how you love to wink in such a funny and obvious way with you whole face!
And last of all, I want to remember how funny you are … what amazing dances you makes up and how you are not afraid to perform.
Megan we love your crazy, funny stubborn self! You are full of goodness, love and mad as a box of frogs – we are glad you are you, and that we are blessed to have you in our family!