Love Bug Boxes!

Over the years, Valentine’s day has become a day that I really like and look forward to. I suppose it has a lot to do with the fact that I LOVE being made to feel special (who doesn’t?) and getting a few sneaky chocolates and some romance from my love! But more than that, it comes down to the fact that I love the message of spreading love to others, making them feel special and letting them know how much they mean to us. It is a concept that even our little ones can grasp and embrace, and because of this since having children, we turn valentine’s into a family day  –  with little treats for the kids (as well as each other) and a family date to somewhere a little bit special (in addition to a traditional romantic date for Nathan and I).

This year we simply got the kids a little bag of chocolate hearts each and had pancakes for breakfast (with heart shaped strawberries from Lidl) – they were absolutely delighted! And then on saturday we are going to a zoo with some friends for our “family date” which we are all very much looking forward to.

Love Bug Boxes

As the kids have gotten older, each year they desire to be more involved in giving valentines and this year has been no different. Much to our dismay, both Megan and Ethan easily get loved up and wrapped up in the playground dramas of having boyfriends and girlfriends (it drives us nuts some days!). But so as not to encourage romance too young, but still have them be involved with an occasion they are excited for, I have  been thinking of ways to make it age appropriate and encourage them to spread the love to others. Despite pinning a whole host of cute valentines bakes that I thought we could make together on Wednesday night and hand out on the school run the next day, I quickly realised that I am both naff at baking and don’t really have the time or energy to do it either – so there goes that idea!

Then Alice and I had a little trip into town a couple of days ago, and whilst pursuing the valentines aisle in Poundland I came up with a splendid idea that would be great for the kids to do. So, I grabbed some balloons, some nets of chocolate “love bugs” and some favour boxes that said “love” on the side and we got to work when they got home from school. By bedtime we had 20 “love bug boxes” that they handed out today to their best friends and teachers. Everyone LOVED them.

These cute little chocolate bugs were a pound a bag (I got 3) and we’ve put 3 or 4 in each little box.

The little boxes are favour boxes from the celebration aisle and were 20 for (you guessed it) £1!!

I loved the heart shaped balloons and so we decided to pop those into them aswell as the kids aren’t allowed them blown up in school! It brought a little something extra and fun to them too. They were a10 pack for £1.

I think they grasp at this stage of life, that giving Valentine’s are acts of love for special people in our lives – it doesn’t mean we are getting married!! We talked about how spreading love and kindness in this way will help that person know they are special to us, a treasured friend and that is what this day is all about.

Feeling chuffed to have wandered into the poundshop and excited to have spread and relished in some love this week!

x o x o x o   HAPPY VALENTINES DAY   x o x o x o

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