What a fantastic day we have had and what a way to end December… on a high, surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of the North Yorkshire moors railway with rowdy cousins and steam trains! Today we had our annual family trip and were fortunate enough to have gorgeous sunshine, mild weather and of course lots of family. The kids loved it (as always) and it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with extended family and reflect on this last year as I stole the odd brief moment to ponder whilst glancing at the scenes as we rode by.
I just loved the symbolism I felt about the turn of a new year in relation to the train we were on. Watching the steam engine trudging along through the valleys; the wind in my face, the fresh country air, it was beautiful to be there together! It got me thinking that whilst we were unable to see the final destination I was thoroughly enjoying the journey. How fitting it was as we approach a new year and new opportunities, and how important it is to live in the moment and enjoy the moment. I really need to do that more with our family and slow down a little. We have a fresh start on our journey now with who knows what lying ahead, and as every year has been recently, I anticipate there will be many many beautiful moments on our journey, as well as the odd dark valley. I believe our family can continue to create those lovely moments together, and focus less on the future and where we might end up, and more on making the here and now enjoyable and fulfilling.
I am grateful that December, overall has been kind to us this year. Its been a funny old month really, filled with a lot of reflection and some adventures too. Nathan and I had a wonderful break in Hamburg, we have been run off our feet with festivities and nativities at school. We enjoyed a Saturday out for lunch and decorating Poppy’s grave for Christmas, and endured a not so great panto with the kids. Yes, for the first time since losing Poppy I can honestly say that I’ve had a good Christmas, I have enjoyed December and it has been a gentle season for us all.
I am thankful for safe travels and family fun, the magic of the season and the excitement that comes with surprises, gifts and family adventures.
Whilst tempted to have our pictures in front of the tree (to mark Alice’s first Christmas), instead we woke up the other day to a beautiful frosty morning and couldn’t resist some family pics in the lovely winter sun around frosted plants.

Most of our Christmas (and new year) have been spent at Nathans Mums where we have enjoyed a break with the whole family, a gorgeous turkey dinner, reflections of Christmases past, and have been blown away by the gorgeous gifts both for myself and the kids (and of course Nath). Whilst the pain was still there for both Poppy and his Dad, and we greatly missed his Dad and the little traditions he has, it has still been a lovely Christmas with all of our family and we therefore found it fitting to capture our joy in grandmas garden over in the veggie patch!
Nathan is Loving
*Having a Birthday
*His new coat
*Travels to Hamburg
*Time off work to be with the fam
*Singing Christmas songs with the fam
*Hanging with cousins
*Spending lots of time with her cousin friends

Lovely photos. I hope you had a great Christmas xx
It look slike such an amazing day and lovely photos. I agree I find December to be so reflective aswell as the obvious festivities too x
Laura @ Little Ladies Big World recently posted…Me and Mine – December 2016
Oh so so lovely. Your middle one reminds me of my daughter here. Love the shades. hahaha Look forward to seeing your family captures this year. It’s such a lovely project to look back on your monthly captures too. Happy New Year! #meandmineproject