This last week has quite possibly been up there with one of the best 2018 has given to us. Before we get any further into this current week, I wish to reflect and record all of the wonderful and joyful hearty moments that we have been blessed with from this last week, and the things that have made it so great for us.
For those of you who haven’t seen on my social media, our family have spent our half term break in the Chianti hills of Tuscany. It was absolutely stunning and, whilst we encountered some freak weather conditions whilst there (just our luck!!), we saw many beautiful and lovely Cities, towns and scenes of nature. It was great to be together and chill out away from everyday life, and I just loved our little Italian adventure. We rarely go away at this time of year, but I am glad that we did as it was a lovely adventure. I look forward to sharing it in more detail with you very soon.
Grateful For
This week I am so unbelievably grateful that Nath has finally got a new job (Hooray!) – it has literally made our lives!! We heard the news on Tuesday whilst away and we all went a bit nuts with excitement (and relief) over it. I loved that Ethan captured me diving on Nath in sheer joy at this great news – it was pretty funny!
Yes, this really is great news for us all, and it means that we will all get to see more of Nath every day. He will have more prospects in his new role and we will also be a little more financially stable. I am excited that very soon he will no longer be having to commute to Leeds every day and this is something we have been hoping and waiting for for what feels like a lifetime now…I really am so relieved he finally bagged a new job working much closer to home in a job that will hopefully open new doors to his career.
When we decided to move last year to East Yorkshire it was a big thing that he still worked in Leeds, but everything just fell into place and we knew it was the right thing at this time for our family. We assumed that his job would soon follow suit, but instead that has been a challenge and has taken well over a year for that part of the puzzle to fit in. It has been really hard hearing so many “no’s” or “almost yes’s” from jobs interview after job interview time and time again, not to mention then having him so late and gone so early to get to and from Leeds. It has been hard on everyone and our lifestyle hasn’t been what we hoped for during the week. So, as you can imagine we are just all so grateful that this new job is on the horizon and we can all fully transition into this new chapter of life in the Village and live life more how we hope to!! Man it is such mint news!
I am also grateful for safety whilst we travelled, good weather in between the crazy storms, time with family over the weekend and generally just time together as a family. It really has been a lovely week.
Succeeded At
Getting back into school runs this week was a little bit of a shock to the system, however the kids have had no trouble getting up early (6am!) and despite needing a lot of reminders to stay on task to be on time (no change there), we aren’t doing too bad… so I would call that a success!
Then of course Nath successfully got a new job and so we are loving that little nugget of joyfulness!
Found Beauty In
There are so many beautiful things and scenes I have been blessed to see this week that have just simply made my soul sing. From the views across the vineyards of Chianti, to quaint little italian streets – my heart has been completely full and content, and I feel incredibly grateful. I have loved exploring Tuscany and its beautiful towns and cities, and I have loved seeing the kids amazed and excited at new adventures. Being together as a family is a beautiful thing in and of itself, and I am pleased we had a whole week together (even if they were a little whiny some days!).
On Sunday we had the pleasure of getting together with Nath’s Family in Stamford to celebrate the blessing day of one of our new nephews. It was a lovely occasions and great to see (and catch up with) the family. It was a beautiful day followed by a beautiful walk around Rutland Waters, where we saw the sun setting and cousins playing – it was so relaxing and Idyllic and I loved spending time with everyone.
Whilst there we took a few family snaps, and I especially love this brilliant selfie I took with my sister-in-laws. Nathan has 6 sisters and I have been fortunate to be friends with them long before Nathan and I even dated. Now, together we are 7 sisters and I love how well we all get along and how much love and laughter there is. This pic makes me so happy and I feel it oozes so much beauty, love and happiness!!!
How thankful I am this week for holidays, family, new jobs, new adventures and a lovely home to come back to! It has been a fab week that has made my heart full.
This week I will be turning 34 and I look forward to hopefully another week of love and laughter with friends and family!