A Date night out & forgotten Tesco Vouchers!

I suppose it’s a little sad to be writing about a date night we had a couple of weeks ago (people have them all the time), but it was both a novelty for us and an absolute bargain – so for those reasons I had to share with you all!

So, as I say a couple of weeks ago Mr Smith and I enjoyed a lovely date night out to ASK in Beverley! For once it did not consist of us sat in joggers with a pizza and Netflix – This one was totally legit, with the added bonus of only costing us a fiver too! Anyone who is a parent can appreciate what a novelty it is to be able to go out for a meal kid free, dressed up and on the cheap! And we were incredibly grateful to his mum for offering to have all 3 kids to sleepover last minute, to enable us to actually go out.

 Date night to me is an essential part of the week and something I really look forward to. Our lives are so busy and full on, and whilst that’s mostly a good thing, we often have weeks where we are like passing ships, and we tend to feel a little disconnected from one another. We like to talk, laugh and snuggle (obviously – we married each other), and life prevents this some weeks. We text all day and we obviously talk when we are going to bed (mostly), but for us we have always enjoyed set aside time each week to relax together, reconnect and just catch up. And so date night has become a scared time … time to be us as a couple and not parents (though chat of the kids often come up), and time for us as individuals to relax, have time for us, and time to reconnect and catch up. It is our time where our phones are off and we catch up properly without distraction, enjoying something we both love, and I love this time just being us together.

Life is forever shifting and changing, and when at one time we could be spontaneous about when we had a date, or when time was flexible to go out and do all kinds of amazingly fun things and eat delicious things, these days we need it to be planned and fairly cheap to ensure it happens around busy parenthood and family life!

Forgotten Vouchers! 

 This date night was made extra special because we only spent somewhere in the £5 region, but how?

Well, my sister recently told me about how her clubcard points from Tesco had added up without her realising, and she had been able to get several vouchers for both Prezzo and ASK (Tesco boost them up significantly) with them, for their day nights! “Oh” I wondered… “I wonder  if I have some too?”! I thought it unlikely as I know I usually send the vouchers they post out, but low and behold I had some forgotten vouchers from the last 2 years – £10 worth to be precise, which we quickly swapped for a £40 ASK voucher!

I couldn’t believe our luck – an offer of a babysitter, AND an alomst free meal out! Living the dream moment of life!

I’ve never been to ASK before, but it was lovely. I had the bruschetta to start, Nath the Burrata Caprese. Then for the mains he had the salmon and me the prawn and lobster tagliatelle with extra chilli. It was all so yummy and fresh, and the raspberry lemonade a great accompaniment.

I love date night with my love – spending time together, talking, laughing, holding hands, and discovering new places and delicious foods. I find it is so important in order to maintain being us around parenting. And whilst some weeks that is incredibly hard with 3 kids in the mix and a million things to be done, I am thankful for moments when it all comes together and we have a lovely time together.

If like us you are on a budget and love a deal, log into your Tesco account, and see if you have any forgotten vouchers you can upgrade for a lovely (and very bargainous) meal out together soon!

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